Connect Charge
- $15 (non-refundable)
applicable to new account, move, or transfer
For more detailed information, see our Fees for Service.
Late Payment
- $15 or 3% (whichever is greater) applicable when payment is received after due date
For more detailed information, see our Fees for Service.
Collection Fee
- $85 if we come to disconnect and bill is paid on premises
For more detailed information, see our Fees for Service.
Reconnect Service after Non-Payment of Bill
For more detailed information, see our Fees for Service.
- Residential Customers – A $225 deposit is required for residential service unless you meet one of the following conditions:
- ~You are a current customer with a satisfactory payment record of at least 12 months.
- ~You supply us with a current, written credit reference letter from any U.S. utility indicating a satisfactory payment history. Credit reference letters must appear on the utility’s letterhead and include service provided for the past 12 months.
- ~You are the new owner of the residence in which you are requesting service and currently hold a satisfactory credit status.
- Non-Residential Customers – A deposit is equal to two times the highest estimated monthly bill, but not less than $225. A surety bond , irrevocable letter of credit, acceptable Dunn & Bradstreet rating and/or audited financial statement may be accepted in lieu of a deposit.
For more detailed information, see our Service Rules and Regulations.
Options for landlords when a tenant requests disconnection of service:
- $5 - service automatically read into Landlord's name
Notification will be received when the Landlord receives the bill for service.
- $10 - service automatically read into Landlord's name
Notification will be made by phone, mail or email within 48 hours of change in service.
- $15 - NPPD will attempt to notify Landlord prior to any change within 24 hours
Landlord will have the option to have the service read into their name and be charged the $15 fee or choose to have the service disconnected at no charge to the Landlord.
If NPPD is unable to contact the Landlord, a letter will be sent informing of change in service.
- $0 - NPPD will disconnect meter
No notification to the Landlord of the change in service.
For more detailed information, see our Landlord Agreement, Landlord Notification, and Fees for Service.